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Real people. Real pain. Real healing. Real stories of transformation.
A #1 multi-author book on change

Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change
Look for my story "Time to Get Out" on page 185

Real people. Real pain. Real hopelessness. Real healing. 

Witness firsthand the challenges that men and women from around the world faced head-on, and how, through their adversity, they became stronger and happier.


Battling a life-threatening illness. Surviving an abusive relationship. Overcoming addiction. Suffering the heartbreaking loss of a child. Wrestling with self-sabotaging thoughts. Losing and finding love… these are just a few of the transformational stories that will encourage you and change your perspective in Chaos to Clarity.


A global voice of contributing authors bare their souls for you. Their unfettered honesty is a gift to all and connects us to the Butterfly Effect of Universal Oneness. Just as the flapping of a tiny

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wing can change weather patterns around the world, a small inspiration may impart positivity on another’s life. The tears shed from these stories may make waves on distant shores, and your peals of laughter may become someone’s breath of life.


Change is part of the natural order of life. In this inspirational book, authors Cagganello and Kanavos offer their expertise on the spirituality and psychology of change and explain why change is not only necessary, it’s good for you!


Welcome to the heart of our shared humanity. Discover hope for the future and a blueprint for your life in these life-changing pages.

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In my story, "Time to Get Out" (which you can find on page 185) I talk about the journey of my spiritual awakening...a period I have described as living 100 years in the space of five years.


I call that excruciating time "the spiritual crucible."

Can you relate to this experience?...

"While I was in the spiritual crucible, it felt like everything I counted on as solid and predictable betrayed me. Everything I believed in was stripped away. With each "blow," it felt like I was being squeezed through smaller and smaller funnels, until my pulverized parts could be mashed through a fine-mesh sieve and finally liquefied. In many ways, I had to surrender to my own psychic death for my rebirth to happen. It was not a graceful surrender."

My story and the stories of my international colleagues show us that we are all human, we all experience tragedy, and we all have strength we never knew was possible.


"It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get back up."

                                                                                                        ~ Vince Lombardi

Purchase Chaos to Clarity directly from me and receive a signed copy with a custom inscription. Clearance priced at only $15 - includes free shipping! (And once my stock is gone, no more will be available.)

(US lower 48 orders only. If wanting to purchase from Alaska, Hawaii or outside the US, contact me.) 

Full disclosure: You may not be aware that with this type of collaboration, if you order from an online seller (like Amazon), I will not receive any proceeds. If you are interested in this book and want to support me, I ask that you please purchase directly from me (if you are in the U.S.) I deeply appreciate your support!

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About the Author


Rev. Dr. Stephanie Red Feather is a divine feminine change agent and champion of empaths. An award-winning author of the #1 international best-seller, The Evolutionary Empath, her passion is to help fellow sensitive souls break out of energetic jail and become co-creators of new earth consciousness. As a shamanic minister, workshop facilitator, and prolific creator of spiritual tools, Stephanie has helped thousands to connect with their sacred self and heal their human wounds.


Stephanie is the founder and director of Blue Star Temple, an online resource for spiritual seekers to learn energetic skills, hone empathic abilities, access spiritual knowledge, and connect with cosmic consciousness. Her specialties include masculine-feminine balance, boundaries, energy hygiene, shadow work, shamanic consciousness, embodiment, and celestial mysteries. (Read full bio.)

Hungry for more? Check out Stephanie's video home study courseblog, and 12-episode empath podcast!

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