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Tools & Techniques For Cleansing Self, Space & Stuff

Self-Paced Video Home Study Program

Dear Energy Being:

  • Have you always wanted to learn about the tools you can use to clear and manage your personal energy field?

  • Do you already have some basic tools (like sage, a feather, crystals or a rattle) but aren't sure how to use them to energetically cleanse yourself or a space?

  • Do you desire to expand your clearing practice to tend the energy of your home, business, property, or family?

  • Is it important to keep your space vibrating at a higher frequency and maintain a more harmonious energy?

  • Do you work with clients and need to keep your sacred work space more energetically pristine?

  • Do you engage sacred objects, healing tools or medicine pieces in your work or spiritual practice and wish to  keep them cleansed and charged more regularly?

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Whether you're a novice or an adept, there is something in this program for you.

Everything in this world is made of energy. As conscious citizens of this planet, there is a growing need for each one of us to be more attentive to and responsible for our energy field and the environments in which we spend the majority of our time.

This program is designed to give you a comprehensive introduction to dozens of tools you can use to confidently manage and clear your personal energy field, the energy field of others (whether family, friends, clients or students), your home or office, and any sacred objects.

Check out the introductory video to get a feel for the course (it's only 5 1/2 minutes long)...

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Sound exciting? After introducing you to tools such as:

  • Drums

  • Rattles

  • Singing bowls

  • Sage

  • Sweet grass

  • Resin & incense

  • Sacred Waters

  • Crystals & stones

  • Grids

  • Chanting & toning

  • Tobacco

  • Cornmeal

  • Salt

  • And much, much more

I'll then show you techniques for clearing yourself, other people, space and sacred objects.

What You Get In This Course

This video course contains almost three hours of content! It's broken down into eleven easy-to-digest modules:


Module One: Introduction (what you saw above)


Module Two: Sound

Module Three: Smoke and Flame

Module Four: Waters

Module Five: Crystals and Stones

Module Six: Voice

Module Seven: Miscellaneous Tools


Module Eight: Clearing Self

Module Nine: Clearing Others

Module Ten: Clearing Space

Module Eleven: Clearing Stuff


In addition to these eleven modules, you'll receive a detailed handout to accompany each module, including three bonus handouts (one on creating crystal grids, one on what exactly you are clearing when you perform this function, and one on what happens to the energy when you clear it). 

I've also included a "Did You Know?" section on the tools handouts to highlight some really cool but not-widely-known facts and features about the elements we'll be working with (including YouTube video links with fascinating experiments and illustrations). 

All of the handouts include really cool photos to illustrate the content.

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The ability to tune into subtle energetic fields and clear yourself or a space of dense, harmful or disharmonious energies is no longer reserved for the realms of shamans or priests. We are all energetic beings capable of tuning into and managing our own energy fields. As we evolve in consciousness and raise in vibration, it becomes our responsibility to lovingly care for our energetic world in addition to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual worlds.

Are you ready to equip yourself with loads of tools and techniques so you can develop your own personal energy hygiene practice and lovingly tend to the energetic field of your loved ones, clients, home, office, land and sacred items?

You get:

  • Eleven modules of video content...almost three hours of material!

  • A personal introduction to over 40 different clearing tools

  • Thirteen PDF handouts, including three handouts with bonus content

  • Downloadable videos (they don't just reside on the course homepage)

  • Evergreen content (it will always be accessible)

All for an investment of only $67.00.

Enroll now and dive into the teachings immediately!

I've structured the program so that each module is available to you right from the beginning (as opposed to having to finish one module before you get access to the next). Go at your own pace, pause, repeat or skip as you desire. You can even download the videos if you like (after all, you purchased them!)

Purchase the Art and Practice of Energetic Clearing and start your new energy practice today! (FYI, when you click on the link, it will take you to my Ruzuku page which is the service that hosts my video courses.)

Would you like one-on-one coaching from me? You can also choose the enrollment option that includes a 45-minute private coaching session to ask questions and tailor your energy hygiene practice just for you!

(Please note: you must use your session within six months of purchase or your session will be forfeited.)

Enrollment in The Art & Practice of Energetic Clearing PLUS a 45-minute session with me is only $188.

Click the link below for this bonus upgrade! (FYI, when you click on the link, it will take you to my Ruzuku page which is the service that hosts my video courses. After you enroll, I'll reach out to discuss scheduling your 45-minute session.)

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