Rev. Dr. Stephanie Red Feather is a divine feminine change agent and champion of empaths. A multi-award-winning author of the #1 international best-seller, The Evolutionary Empath and Empath Activation Cards, her passion is to help fellow sensitive souls break out of energetic jail and become co-creators of new earth consciousness. As a shamanic minister, workshop facilitator, and prolific creator of spiritual tools, Stephanie has helped thousands to connect with their sacred self and heal their human wounds.
Stephanie is the founder and director of Blue Star Temple, an online resource for spiritual seekers to learn energetic skills, hone empathic abilities, access spiritual knowledge, and connect with cosmic consciousness. Her specialties include masculine-feminine balance, boundaries, energy hygiene, shadow work, shamanic consciousness, embodiment, and celestial mysteries. Above all, she honors her clients’ and students’ personal truth and experience while facilitating deeper initiation into their own inner mysteries.
Stephanie’s life has been an unusual fusion of creativity, spirituality and hard science, first attending a performing arts school in adolescence, then earning a degree in applied mathematics before becoming an Air Force officer. She holds a Master’s and Doctorate in shamanic studies from Venus Rising University and has been a mesa carrier in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Peru since 2005. Her uncommon talent of bridging left- and right-brain worlds amplifies her ability to make esoteric concepts accessible and practical.
Stephanie is also a contributing author to the #1 best-sellers Animals: Personal Tales of Encounters With Spirit Animals, Chaos to Clarity, and The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Volume 2. When she isn’t writing or facilitating workshops, you can find Stephanie engaging her wilder feminine creative energy through making jewelry and medicine pieces, getting her hands dirty in the garden, riding horses, and nerding out over science documentaries.
You can find her books, courses, meditations and workshops at BlueStarTemple.org.
Formal Education
Bachelor of Arts in Applied Mathematics with a minor in Geology/Geophysics from Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1992
Masters in Shamanic Intuitional Practices from Venus Rising University, 2016
Doctorate in Shamanic Psycho-Spiritual Studies from Venus Rising University, 2018

Stephanie with Ruby Falconer (left) & Linda Star Wolf (right) receiving her Doctoral Degree from Venus Rising University
Ministerial Ordination, International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards, 2005
Certified Spiritual Healer, International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards, 2005
Diplomat of Earth Stewardship, International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards, 2005
Shamanic Minister through Venus Rising Association for Transformation, 2016
Workshops, Certifications, Programs Completed
Reiki (Usui Lineage)
Reiki I - 2003
Reiki II - 2003
Reiki III - 2004
Quantum Touch
Level 1 - 2006
Soma Energetics Tuning Fork Training
Energy Vitality Technique - 2009
Celestial Earth Priestess Process - 2005
Celestial Earth Magdalene Mysteries - 2012
Landmark Forum - 2007
Landmark Advanced Course - 2008
Three-part PMT Training series with Matthew Magee - 2009
Two Year PMT Apprenticeship with Carol Rydell and Gary Langston -2011
The Path of the Universal Shaman Advanced Intensive with Oscar Miro-Quesada - 2016
Ancestral Shamanic Star Wisdom & Interdimensional Journeying with Oscar Miro-Quesada - 2021
Certified Shamanic Breathwork facilitator - 2016
Facilitator Skills Training for Shamanic Breathwork - 2016
Voice Dialogue Training facilitated by Tim Kelley - 2018
Evolving Beyond Your Wounds - 2019
Realigning the Ego - 2019
Money Breakthrough Method Coach Certification - 2012
Major Writing Credits (oldest first)
The Evolutionary Empath: A Practical Guide for Heart-Centered Consciousness
Published by Inner Traditions, Bear and Co., released November 5, 2019
Gold winner in the 2020 Coalition of Visionary Resources category of Personal Growth and Self-Help.
Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Transformational Change
Published by Sacred Stories Publishing, released November 19, 2019
Multi-author book
The Evolutionary Empath, Dutch edition
Released June 16, 2020
The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Volume 2
Published by Brave Healer Productions, released July 7, 2020
Multi-author book
The Evolutionary Empath, German edition
Released October 15, 2020
The Evolutionary Empath, Hungarian edition
Released Spring 2021
Empath Activation Cards: Discover Your Cosmic Purpose
Published by Inner Traditions, Bear and Co., released November 23, 2021
Bronze winner in the 2022 Coalition of Visionary Resources category of Oracle Card Deck
Animals: Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals
Published by Sacred Stories Publishing, released January 11, 2022
Multi-Author book
Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation
Published by Sacred Stories Publishing, released October 25, 2022
Multi-Author book
Blogs and Articles
Please go to my media page
Shamanic Ministers Global Network February 29, 2016 - Present
Coalition of Visionary Resources April 20, 2020 - Present
Radio & Written Interviews
Too many to list.