The Heroine's Journey Mystery School
Travel the inward spiral to meet the dark goddess, reclaim your wild woman essence, release the superwoman complex, and emerge as the resplendent jewel of feminine light that you are.
You feel it, don't you?
The inner stirring beckoning you to look further, keep investigating, peel back the almost insatiable longing for something you can't quite name. Your inner compass compels you like a bloodhound on a scent trail, telling you to persist in your quest, that the truth is discernable, though you suspect it's not what you were taught as a child.
Registration for this program has closed.
Something inside you knows there is a softer way of doing life, a lost set of feminine teachings from the elders we never had. A way of living in flow with the natural rhythms and cycles of nature as well as your own innate instincts. A way to reconnect with your original wild feminine expression and creative power, before it was diluted. A manner of loving, care-giving, manifesting, playing, and creating with ease and joy that doesn't make you feel like you're constantly chasing the untenable, impossible, lifeblood-draining Superwoman ideal.
Someone forgot to tell us that we don't have to do it like the men.
Do you hear the quiet yet constant whispers from deep within beckoning, "seek me will find me in the rhythm of your heart, in the wisdom of your flesh, in your wildish impulses. In the places you fear to go. Deeper. Deeper. Yes, that's it. I am the one you seek."
Beloved, it is the dark goddess calling you home.
But there is no need to fear her. For she holds the key to reconnect you to your wild feminine essence, to your original divine blueprint, to the lost women's mysteries that have left such a gaping void in our psyches and lives.
She is the thing you couldn't quite name but instinctively knew you were seeking.
She is known by many names: the Dark Feminine, Wild Woman, Baba Yaga, the Dark Mother, Bone Woman, the Death Goddess, Spider Woman, the Mist Being.
No matter her name, she holds the essence, the wholeness we seek through the quest of each one of our own individual heroine's journeys. Heroine's journey...this is the key. For women do not cycle through this world the same as men do.
This is the lost teaching of the ancient ones.
There's a fundamental difference between women and men in how our energy bodies are wired, but our female role models didn't teach us this vital knowledge because they didn't have women in their lives who knew of these mysteries, nor did their female ancestors, nor the ones before them.
The masculine needs to be USED UP to feel fulfilled.
The feminine needs to be FILLED UP to feel fulfilled.
Yet everything in our culture tells us to do, act, perform, compete, accumulate, provide, produce, overcome, overpower, crush, force, push, be the victor.
I don't know about you, but I am tired of trying to out-masculine the masculine. And not just that marrow-deep exhaustion that comes from years of body will no longer tolerate the pace and intensity with which I used to conduct my life.
Can you relate?
There is a longing I see in so many women to connect with what is nurturing, juicy, life-giving, sensual, luxurious, nourishing, pleasurable, creative, invigorating. Our instinctual nature knows what is best for us, but we have been taught to ignore it, distrust it, even abhor it. So instead, many of us feel numb, frozen, empty, sterile or cut off. We become disinterested, detached, listless, and withdrawn. Our soul feels shriveled, caged, declawed, dried up. We become a shadow of what we know we could be.
Do you resonate with any of those feelings?
When we lose touch with the instinctive psyche, we live in a semi-destroyed state, and images and powers that are natural to the feminine are not allowed full development. When a woman is cut away from her basic source, she is sanitized, and her instincts and natural life cycles are lost, subsumed by the culture, or by the intellect or the ego – one’s own or those belonging to others.
(Clarissa Pinkola Estes)
Beloved heart sister, it is time to gather once again in sacred circle to continue our personal and collective soul work.
Are you ready for the next phase of your life, your soul calling, your sacred purpose?
Have you been yearning for the nurturing and luscious space of in-person feminine sisterhood, held in the womb of the Divine Mother?
Are you ready - once and for all - to throw off and burn the Superwoman cape and just be...sigh...a woman?
Do you long to unleash your raw creativity and passions, your sensuality and wildness, your voice and vision?
Are you ready to unmake the "man-made" woman, take back your soul and conceive yourself your own likeness?
Is it time to travel the inner spiral and discover the heroine's journey that you've been on all along, and why contorting yourself to fit the hero's (masculine's) journey was never going to give you the satisfaction you hoped?
Are you ready to "get dirty" and meet the dark goddess to receive the mighty gifts she's been holding in trust for you?
Is it time to pray over the bones of your extinguished self, to call back the dead and dismembered parts of your essence, to sing your soul back to life and be fleshed out fully into the divine creature you once were?
If these statements call to your soul, then I invite you into a profound six-month process
of exploration, sisterhood, ceremony, laughter, authenticity, support, and transformation:
The Heroine's Journey Mystery School
Beginning the Weekend of October 22-23
In sacred sisterhood we will travel the holy inward spiral to meet the dark goddess, reclaim our wild woman essence, release the Superwoman complex, and rebirth ourselves into the luscious, luminous, limitless, liberators of love we are!
Here's what you can expect
during our 6 months together...
Mystery School Medicine
This is an accelerated program where we will work with multiple themes and archetypal energies simultaneously. The Heroine's Journey (as created by Maureen Murdock) will be our framework, cycling through each of the phases of the Heroine's Journey during our seven weekends together to "unlearn" the hero's journey, realign our expectations, and reclaim our feminine soul. (See "Structure and Schedule" for specific stages.)
We will also be calling in the energies of Venus in her emanation of Inanna as we track Venus' descent into the underworld and her rise into the evening sky . Venus began her descent (while still visible in the sky) back in January of this year. On September 14, she entered the underworld! (Venus will not be visible in the sky until December 1 when Inanna is reborn.) Perfect timing to accompany our own journey inward.
On each of our seven weekends we will work with the chakras, specifically how they relate to Inanna's descent, where she releases one of her sacred vestments of power at each of the seven gates to the underworld. As she returns, she reclaims her vestments (power) one at a time. You know there will be powerful ceremony for each of these gates!
We will discover how women's energetic physiology is different from men's (and why we've been exhausted for decades!). Through subtle yet profound teachings, we'll learn to shift how we move energy through our bodies as well as embody the key principles of manifesting through receiving.
Throughout our time together we will work intimately (personally and collectively) with the dark goddess and wild woman energies, as they will be primary space holders, activators and lodestars during our deep exploration of these sacred women's mysteries.
I am purposefully offering this circle during the six darkest, most yin months of the year to parallel our inward journey and our work with the dark feminine energies.
This mystery school will be an alchemy of teachings, art, ceremony, deep sharing, journaling, dancing, group ritual, communion with nature and our soul, and nourishing sisterhood. While there will be some left-brain engagements, the core experience is to call ourselves deeply into our bodies, into our instinctual selves, into our wildish natures where the raw, unfiltered feminine lies.
Structure and Schedule
Weekend One - October 22-23
Heroine's Journey stage: Separation from the feminine & identification with the masculine
Inanna's descent: 7th and 6th (chakra) gates
Weekend Two - November 19-20
Heroine's Journey stage: The road of trials, Superwoman mystique, betrayal, and death
Inanna's descent: 5th and 4th (chakra) gates
Weekend Three - December 17-18
Heroine's Journey stage: Initiation and descent to the goddess
Inanna's descent: 3rd and 2nd (chakra) gates
Weekend Four - January 21-22
Heroine's Journey stage: Urgent yearning to reconnect with the feminine
Inanna's descent and ascent: 1st (chakra gate)
Weekend Five - February 18-19
Heroine's Journey stage: Healing the Mother-daughter split
Inanna's ascent: 2nd and 3rd (chakra) gates
Weekend Six - March 18-19
Heroine's Journey stage: Healing the wounded masculine
Inanna's ascent: 4th and 5th (chakra) gates
Weekend Seven - April 15-16
Heroine's Journey stage: Healing the masculine-feminine split, the sacred marriage
Inanna's ascent: 6th and 7th (chakra) gates
Bonuses and Logistics
Each weekend will be held in the sanctuary of my home temple space in North Kansas City where we will be surrounded by privacy and nature (2/3 of an acre!) including a heart garden, outdoor altar, beautiful statuary and art, fire pit, and of course tons of wildlife. You'll be given my address and other necessary information upon registration.
As part of your tuition, each woman will receive:
A copy of The Heroine's Journey by Maureen Murdock
One 60-minute private session with me. This private session can be used any time during our six months together. You are highly encouraged to take advantage of this personal support as unused sessions will be forfeited after the process is complete.
Interim assignments or homeplay to support you in between circle gatherings. I will send email communications to the circle sharing journaling questions, concepts to ponder, explorations to take into meditation/dream time, ideas for ceremony, suggested optional reading and more. All are designed to support you in your journey.
Energetic support for the entire period. I will be holding space for each of you as individuals and as a circle during the entire process, not just on the weekends that you meet. I will be tending to the energies through open communion with your spirit guides, your higher selves, the Divine Feminine, and the energies of our lodestar guides.
Carefully selected medicine pieces and initiation bundle. I love to give gifts and each initiate will receive a wide variety of meaningful items such as crystals, jewelry, teas, talismans, altar items, art, and other gifts that relate to specific stages of our journey.
Discounts on private support packages. The vast majority of women who experience initiatory processes like this request additional support outside of circle weekends. While your tuition includes one 60-minute session with me, if you desire more dedicated or regular support, I'll be offering healing and coaching packages as well as other services at a deep discount.
A private Facebook group for sharing and support. I understand that not everyone is on FB, so this can be up for group discussion. My intention is to make use of a virtual space where sisters can share and support one another, ask questions, share aha's and inspiration, and witness one another throughout our mystery school.
Two virtual follow-up Zoom calls after our circle completes (dates TBD in May and June). This will give us the opportunity to check in with one another, share how our integration is going, and what has been unfolding since emergence from our journey.
Are you ready to say yes?
Your investment for this incredible six-month journey plus all the bonuses is $2222. For your convenience I've included an 8-month payment plan in addition to the full-pay option.
Miscellaneous expenses during this process may include ceremonial supplies and attire, food for community meals and optional books and music.
To keep our circle intimate, space is limited to 16 women. You might consider a close friend, sister, or relative with whom you would want to take this very special, life-changing journey.
The final registration deadline is October 19.
Cancellation Policy
I am calling forth a committed group of soul journeyers to enter into these divine feminine mysteries. Because this will be a closed group, l will not be adding additional initiates once our circle has commenced. If, for any reason, you choose to withdraw from the circle, you will continue to be financially liable for the fees of this program.
Your enrollment includes a $250 non-refundable deposit. If you need to cancel your registration before October 12, you will receive a refund of the amount you paid, minus the $250 deposit. There are no refunds after October 12. By registering through either payment option you are agreeing to this policy.
If you should find yourself for any reason unable to complete your sacred journey, you must meet with me in-person to close the energies.
The final registration deadline is 10:00 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, October 19.
Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns!
Choose Your Payment Option
Full Pay
Single payment
of $2222
Payment Plan
8 payments
of $299
This is the time in our collective human ascension for women everywhere to rise. Ancient mysteries and lost teachings are emerging, women are claiming their power, and our very souls are being summoned. It is through our inner work that we will find the strength, courage and conviction to stay the course of our outer work. It is through our inner work that we will develop an unshakeable core, expand and anchor our roots, and clarify our direct line of communication with the wild feminine...the source of our power and potency.
"The world will be saved by the western woman."
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Fully actualizing ourselves as embodied women is one of the most important soul endeavors of our lives. It would be my greatest honor to walk this sacred spiral with you.
In sisterhood,
"When the time is upon you, when you feel the stirring of divine discontent and the call of the wild to grow and expand, you are best to answer with a huge, heartfelt YES!" ~Unknown