The Only Focus Is On You
Have you been feeling stuck, hitting your head against the same wall, not knowing exactly what you need to do to get traction and create momentum?
Is a deep-seated pattern raring its ugly head again, making you feel as though you've made no progress on healing or transforming it?
Is your inner critical voice relentlessly bashing you and riding your ass, stunting the brilliant work you know you're meant to do, and keeping you from making progress?
Is this issue seriously affecting your daily life? Causing depression, making you irritable, doubting yourself, sapping your life force, interfering with your productivity, robbing you of quality time with your loved ones?
Or, maybe you know what is causing the internal struggle, but you have been hesitating to acknowledge that you need support in "getting over the hump."
Personal intensives are an exceptional way to give yourself dedicated, distraction-free time. Sometimes it can be difficult to get at the heart of an issue when you have to manage daily life, work, chores, and family obligations at the same time. Yet at the same time, these kinds of unresolved energies eat up a LOT of life force, and you might not realize that the exhaustion and frustration you feel is actually from fighting yourself.
Let's be honest...we all have blind spots. And it doesn't matter how many modalities or coaching techniques you know, or if you are a coach or healer yourself! My years of doing my own inner work as well as facilitating others tells me...we can only facilitate ourselves through so much. No matter how skilled, seasoned, or experienced we are, we NEED someone else to hold space for us so we can show up fully - 100% - and be present for ourselves.
During a personal intensive, the only focus is you. And, having a devoted, seasoned facilitator to hold loving and compassionate space for you and guide you during that time creates the opportunity for an even deeper dive with accelerated results.
Core Wound Focus
What can you work on? The focus of the intensive is up to you, and I can help you tease out what the culprit is if you are struggling to identify it clearly.
Almost always, the big hairy monsters that get in our way are related to one of our core wounds (Most people have between 1-3 core wounds). So this will be deep and accelerated work centered around identifying, integrating, communicating with, transforming, and finding the gifts in one of your core wounds (even if you've worked with this core wound before...there is always more).
Through our time together, you will learn how to view this part of yourself as an ally. Seriously.
One-Day Intensive (or Two Partial Days)
A standard, one-day personal intensive will include:
Opening and closing ceremonies (creating space, calling in our spiritual teams, setting intentions at the beginning; acknowledging our guides and helpers and closing space at the end of the intensive)
Working intentionally with Spirit to select high-powered oracle cards, medicine pieces and stones to help hold space and provide guidance and refinement
An opportunity for deep check-in and intention setting
Identification/refinement of the issue/source as needed
A guided process of identifying and transforming the core wound that is up for you right now, including
Identifying the original wounding event or pattern
Unearthing the IDENTITY-BASED belief that is underneath the pattern
Understanding the strategies you implemented as a result of the belief
A Voice Dialog interview of the part (conversation with the wound)
A guided process to clear the identity-based belief and create a new healthy and supportive belief in its place
Identifying and embracing the gifts of the wound
Right-brained integration activities, such as art or a mandala (we'll let Spirit lead us on this one)
Whatever else our Spirit guides lead us to
Flexible Structure
Personal intensives can be conducted in a single 6-hour span or broken into two 2.5-hour session. The single-day session includes an hour for a working lunch whereas the two-day structure does not include time for lunch.
I live in the central time zone and don't generally begin working with clients until 11:00 a.m. So during the week, if you want the single-day structure, plan on roughly 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. I can flex a little bit one way or the other on start and end times.
If you can't manage a 6-hour chunk, we can look at breaking it into two days, roughly 2.5 hours one day and 2.5 hours the next, understanding that natural stopping points might not conform to that exactly (could be 3 hours and 2 hours or vice versa.)
This is an intensive, so doing it all in one day will be, well, intense. But there is value in leaning into that intensity and staying with the energies and continuing to deepen throughout the course of the day. But, breaking it into two days might be a little easier on your schedule and your psyche, so please weigh the benefits and disadvantages of each option for yourself, with the guidance of your heart.
All sessions will be conducted virtually through Zoom.
Keep Scrolling For Fee + Availabilityq
How Do You Know If You're Ready For This?
Personal intensives are intense. They are designed to cover a lot of ground in a short period of time, facilitating and activating you on multiple levels and dimensions. I want to make sure you are positioned for the most positive and safe experience possible. Personal intensives require a certain degree of emotional maturity, self-awareness and an ability to reasonably manage your reactions to triggers.
As such, my approach works best if:
You have some experience with intensives, initiatory processes, or deep inner work.
Are willing to take responsibility for your own activation, growth and actions.
You possess a fair degree of self-awareness and are able to understand and identify your major triggers.
Have the ability to "walk in both worlds simultaneously" meaning, you have the faculties and awareness to be able to drive, negotiate time, and manage your own personal needs (such as eating, hygiene, etc.) as we move between each of the activities on our schedule which can often take us "outside of time."
Willing to recognize when you are projecting, are in a state of resistance, or when your inner child is taking control.
A personal intensive with me will not be the best fit if:
You are new to doing deep inner work or if you are at the beginning of your spiritual awakening process.
You tend to shut down, lash out, project or blame others when you get triggered, to the point where you are either out-of-control or catatonic.
You have a history of dissociation, violence, or self-inflicting pain.
You are unable to manage regular daily needs such as hygiene, self-care, eating, and sleeping alongside the potential emotional intensity you might be experiencing.
These guidelines are designed for both your safety and mine to create an environment most conducive to your healing and my abilities.
Your investment also includes three bonuses:
Preparatory guidance and some gentle pre-work to accomplish in the time leading up to the intensive. I promise, once you say yes and commit, sh*t will start getting stirred up so self-care, personal awareness and energy hygiene practices will be important!
A 30-minute follow-up call approximately 4-7 days (no longer than a week) after our intensive completes. It is important to be able to have a few days to integrate, then come back and reflect, be witnessed, see how much has changed, and determine if anything needs tweaking.
A signed copy of one of my multi-author books, The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Volume 2 (if you live in the US).
Pricing Structure - August Special
The investment for this private intensive, including all of the activities, structure, follow-up and bonuses described above is $1,555 if you book by the end of August. The investment will increase to $1,666 on September 1.
Ready to start your transformation?
I can tell you that what feels like an obstruction or inhibitor of your soul's purpose is actually the key to your full self-expression. The only way through is through. I've done every bit of the work I'll be taking you through. I know its power.
If this transformational opportunity is calling to you, I currently have room in my schedule for three personal intensive clients.
Simply email me to let me know you are interested and I will send you a short questionnaire to begin the process.
After you complete and return your questionnaire, I will determine what else needs to occur to ensure we are a good match and everything feels aligned, which might include a short phone or zoom chat.
If you want to take advantage of the current August special, you will need book during the month of August (your intensive may or may not be scheduled during the month of August.)
Depending upon my client load and other commitments, please expect up to a three to five week wait before we can complete your intensive.
Every time we are being called to a bigger stage, all of our "demons" will get triggered, so what you are experiencing is not unusual, and you're not crazy. However you describe it - being called into greater authenticity, higher and bigger expression, the next level of your sacred work - everyone needs support in getting there.
Contact me if this is calling to you! I look forward to supporting you in deep transformation.